Well there's not a lot we can write about this morning by way of good news that will in any way serve to fill the hole in our collective hearts after we were robbed (ROBBED!) of our well-earned victory against New Zealand within minutes of the final whistle yesterday. Though Facebook and Twitter feeds were awash with 'f*ck New Zealand', 'I'm literally in tears' and countless variations on 'nooooo', the resounding and somewhat positive feedback is that our team did their absolute best in what's been described as one of the most enjoyable rugby matches EVER (bar the last few minutes of course). Fair play lads, you may all take a well-deserved bow. You did us proud. And let's just all agree to boycott kiwis, alright? I mean who even likes hairy fruit anyway.

Our journey of emotions went a little like this.

Stage 1: 'Holy shit, am I drunk or is this really happening?'

Stage 2: 'Oh mother of all that is good and holy, is what I think is about to happen, ABOUT TO HAPPEN?' 

Stage 3: There are no words for Stage 3.

Stage 4: 'No, no, just don't come near me, I'm not getting over that, not ever.'

In other stuff we missed this weekend, the AMAs happened. More Miley Cyrus shenanigans, of course. This time round, rather than dry hump a foam fingers, she offered up a rendition of Wrecking Ball complete with a cat. Video below. Justin Timberlake and Taylor Swift were the big winners of the night but more on that to come over yonder in John's musical quarters. It was also Miley Cyrus's birthday this weekend, she turned 21.

Hannah Barrett got the boot off the X Factor but, to be perfectly honest, I haven't sat through a single Saturday night of Simon Cowell's juggernaut series this year so unfortunately cannot regale you with my opinions on this one. 

The only other thing that us welling up was the following video that was doing the rounds on social meeeedgia, in which Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul read the final Breaking Bad script for the very first time. Probably one to avoid if you'd only just gotten over the series' ending and are still a bit delicate/needing to be held after yesterday's match.

Lastly, the Dublin open auditions for Star Wars were on this weekend. Did you go for it? Share your stories in the comments box below!