At this stage of the tournament we've been diagnosed with very serious case of "Rugby Fever".

Symptoms include losing entire weekends to matches, buying a Japanese jersey off the back of one game, and spending far too much of our paycheck in the pub because watching at home just isn't the same. But the problem is, it's tough to find a good boozer to watch the games.

There are some very specific requirements for a pub to watch the Rugby World Cup in. The pub can't be too jammed, but needs to be busy enough to drum up some atmosphere. It can't be too expensive, but we also don't want to be stuck drinking cheap swill. We don't want to have the ears burned off us by someone who was a sub in two games for Blackrock's C team in second year, but at the same time we also like to meet new people and have some craic. Sounds like a Goldilocks situation right?

Well we've put together a list of some of our favourite spots to catch a match in and we're pretty sure we'll see you in one of them very soon.

Trinity Bar - Dame Street
Right, remember what we said about how a place can be too busy? Well we lied, it's only a problem if you're standing. This place will be packed for a big game, but the atmosphere is amazing. One piece of advice, get in early, get a table, and designate one person to go to the bar for rounds

The Back Page - Phibsborough Road, Phibsborough
To steal their own tagline, "less gastro, more astro". This is a proper sports bar, but with enough space to enjoy yourself and relax. Decently priced pizza too, so you'll have plenty of soakage if you're hanging around for more than just the one game.

The Bleeding Horse - Camden Street Upper
The thing about the Bleeding Horse is that it's not just a great place to catch a game for the rugby World Cup, it's a great pub for any kind of game. Whether it's big or small, football or tennis, this place has it all. Plenty of corners to find room for you and your mates, and enough screens to give you a vast choice of what way you'll strain your neck.

Living Room - Cathal Brugha Street
This place is claiming to have the biggest screen in Europe, and if you were there for any of the FIFA World Cup games last summer, you'll know why. It's massive. We'd recommend this place for the big spectacles because there's nothing like a full house in here.

Toners - Baggot Street Lower
Look, if you've ever had a pint of Guinness in Dublin you were probably instantly told "if you think that's good, wait till you try Toners". They're known for it, but they also have an atmosphere on match day that'll rival any big pub. A heated beer garden with big screens, what more could you want?

The Woolshed - Parnell Street
How could we do a list of bars to watch the match and not include this place. It's arguably the best sports pub in the city, and right in the middle of town. Again, you'll need to be here early if you're out for a big game, but you'll have no reason to leave because if you're feeling hungry we've two words for you. Chicken wings.

Sinnotts - South King Street
If there's one thing the place isn't missing, it's big TVs. It has plenty of them. A really central location, as well as a famous carvery, make it the perfect place to start the day.

O'Neill's - Suffolk Street
Screens, they've got them. They've also got a few tourists, which is exactly what you want. There's nothing like celebrating an Irish win in front of opposition fans, although you do run the risk of having to look at some French fans in tears of happiness if we slip up. Basically this pub's inclusion is entirely based on the performances of the boys in green.

The Bull & Castle - Lord Edward Street
We deliberated pretty hard on whether or not to include this place, just because we don't want the word getting out about it, so that's the regard we hold this place in. It has an amazing selection of craft beers, we recommend...all of them. We're telling you about this place in good faith, don't ruin it for us.

Fade Street Social - Fade Street
We're big fans of this place anyway, it's always been a great spot, but they've somehow upped their game even further for the World Cup. This'll explain what we mean.