Apparently when a member of the Royal family rides the Tube, it's a big deal. And the rest of us are supposed to look on in awe that such chosen ones would decide to lower themselves to public transport, showing the world that they're just like us. As much as this might seem condescending to the average tube-goer, we have to say, the Queen really impressed on her recent visit to Ireland, during which she caused Mary McAleese's jaw to drop when offering up the cupla focail, so we're going to avoid being too sarky about her here. What's more, they're here to mark the tube's 150th birthday, not just to get from A to B.
You can take a gander at the pics here yourself. Safe to say this wasn't as authentic a tube ride as they come. No creepy men staring at you from behind their packed lunches, no crazies singing to themselves and shouting random abuse at other members of the public. The Royals were taken on a tour of a restored 1982 tube train before being escorted through a brand new train which the Queen unveiled a plaque to name Queen Elizabeth II. As per the Metro, onlookers were astonished and gathered in crowds for a glimpse of the Royals.
While at the Baker Street station, 5 and a half month Kate Middleton was presented with the rather fitting gift of a 'baby on board' badge. Turning to the Queen, Wills' missus said: “I’ll make sure I wear it at home." Kate's no stranger to public transport though, sure before she became a member of the Royal family, she used to ride it all the time. Earlier Kate also told tube boss Howard Collins: "I used to use the Tube on a regular basis... I miss travelling on the Tube."