Sigh. Another day, another fake event on Facebook purporting to be an Open Air Cinema event in Dublin.

Honestly, it's like the people who put these things up just now that people are going to flock to them because who doesn't love the idea of an open air cinema event in Dublin, right? Especially during the balmy nights of summer?

Of course, it's up to us to be the bearer of bad news. How so? Well, let's begin by looking at the actual Facebook event page itself.

Now, it all looks pretty sweet, right? A free, open-air movie theatre in Dublin's idyllic Phoenix Park in the middle of June. Too good to be true, right?

That's because it is. COMPUTER, ENHANCE.

The event is actually just trying to get to people to click through to this, some weird little app that's like Tinder but not actually Tinder.

In fact, this exact same text and idea has been replicated throughout various cities in England, Scotland and Wales. Just like that Water Slide thing, that Total Wipeout thing and basically any event you've heard about through Facebook. The sad reality is that nine times out of ten, these events are usually just a honeypot.

A honeypot is basically designed to gather up your details and Facebook account so they can blast you with adverts and dodgy invites such as these. Not only that, the kind of special permits and planning permissions needed for putting on an Open Air Cinema event in Phoenix Park are huge and extremely costly.

There's absolutely no way some tiny little app developer - from Germany, by the way - would be able to afford any of it. We have, of course, contacted the event organisers through Facebook and, surprise surprise, no answer from them as of writing.

If they come back and tell us it's all real, nobody will more surprised - or happy - than us.

Via Facebook