What would Greta Thunberg say?

The pop star has come under fire this past weekend for being the biggest culprit in the celebrity CO2 emissions race.

Stars. While yes, they're spotted out grabbing an iced frappé in the sun just like the rest of us these days, there's also a darker, more world-imploding side to them that most schmucks have little access to - private jet travel. Taylor Swift has, unfortunately, landed herself in the number one spot for the most CO2 emissions from a celebrity thanks to her jet being used 170 times this year between January and June.

The figures were published in The Rolling Stone on Friday and analysed by marketing company Yard, which saw the 32-year-old cause some trouble online when it was revealed she overtook the likes of Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian, Jay-Z, Steven Spielberg, Mark Wahlberg and Oprah, all of whom also made the list.

According to the article, Taylor Swift and her private jet took off 170 times in the first 200 days of 2022, emitting 8,293.54 metric tons of carbon dioxide or almost 16 days of airtime and 1,184.8 times more than the average person's total annual emissions.

Taylor's team, however, were very swift to dispel these figures. Contacting The Rolling Stone in response to the claims, her team said: "Taylor's jet is loaned out regularly to other individuals.

"To attribute most or all of these trips to her is blatantly incorrect."

That's nice of Taylor, to lend out her private jet to those in desperate need of a quick getaway.

Candian rapper Drake has also been thrown into the private jet spotlight in the past few days, as it was reported that over the past six weeks his personal Boeing 767, "Air Drake", has taken multiple flights that were mere minutes long. The worst part about all of this? The planes were empty.

Stars, they're just like us, right? Eh, not really.