Our 'dogs are better than people' file gets another entry with this story.

We should point out that if you're in the depths of The Fear, or if you're feeling emotionally tender in any way, don't read any more as you'll be in floods of tears.

Margarita Suarez lived in a small apartment in the Mexican city of Merida and was known locally for feeding stray dogs and animals who came near her block.

However, when her health began to fail, she relocated and kept up the practice of feeding hungry animals on the street.

Sadly, Margarita passed away from an illness and was buried on March 15th. When her daughter brought her to the funeral home, she noticed several dogs had turned up and were allowed in by staff.

Her daughter, Patricia, assumed it was just local dogs that the staff had allowed in. Not so, it would seem.

The staff said they'd never seen the dogs before. The dogs stayed beside Margarita's coffin and followed it to the local graveyard where she was buried.

We're going to need a minute here...


Via LifeWithDogs.com