Oh no, no, no, this is all wrong. Who let you go to the premiere of Liz & Dick, the only thing you've managed to do in such a long time, dressed as a Phoebe Price impersonator?
I know, you obviously thought "I'm going to Jessica Rabbit the sh*t out of this red carpet" but even Jessica Rabbit knew she needed a bit more support in the boobular area. In saying that though, it could've been a lot worse in that regard.
The main offenders here are the little ruby droplets and whoever tacked up the world's largest hem with fishing tackle.
As for the makeup; I'm going to go out on a limb and request you give the person who did this to your face a high five. It's still a bit too heavy on the rouge, but it's a damn sight better than this.
>Lindsay Lohan: Half-sister needs luck with dad