We all know by this stage that Lego is pretty magical and can be used for almost anything (including scientific experiments), and it seems that police in Edinburgh have found yet another thing to add to the list: crime prevention. 

Edinburgh Police are keen to prevent crime in anyway possible, and have taken to Twitter with a few messages that they hope will lower the number of burglaries that they have to deal with in the course of their work. 

Rather than just tweeting out a few tips however, they've decided to add some visual aids in the form of little Lego playsets, that show how criminals work and how they can get into your house. They've also done a decent job with the phonetic spelling of the local accent we have to say. 

Speaking to Mashable, a spokesperson for the police said that "Over 354,000 people have already seen this campaign on social media giving us significant reach for crime prevention messages". 

We're not quite sure how they managed to get this one into the budget, but if you can claim Lego back on expenses, then we're getting the Millennium Falcon

Via Mashable