We don't know how good he is at walking, but we imagine his recovery after falling is better.

Thanks to the brilliant journalism of the Daily Mail and the Mirror, today brings us one of the greatest cat-related joys we could hope for. Meet Gary the 'hipster cat', who has been nicknamed Heisenpurrg but also bears a striking resemblance to one David 'The Edge' Evans.

Prepare yourself.

Gary is owned by one Charlene Dahilig in Sacramento, California, who apart from doing a solid impression of Walter White and The Edge, also has a stellar Instagram with plenty of other impressions and outfits.

 According to Charlene, Gary loves the attention and "His wide range of expressions make for great photos. He may look sarcastic and moody, but in reality he is the sweetest, most loving cat I have ever had. He greets us at the door, cuddles constantly, and loves all people, especially kids."

Via Twitter/The Mirror/Instagram