Seeing your boyfriend stretching the sh*te out of a pair of heels you've not even worn yet is a strange, yet thrilling, experience. One which I would like to share with you, toe cleavage 'n all...

So here's the deal. If you manage to get a man you live with - it could be a partner, a brother, a father or flatmate - or if you happen to be of the male persuasion yourself, all you have to do is dress up as Carrie, Samantha, Miranda or Charlotte,email us a picture, and the wonderful 40" 3D Ready TV worth €1,299.99 could be yours, in association with the good people at DID Electrical (where we naturally buy all of our electrical goods. All the time. Naturally.)

If the man in question needs a bit of coercion, need we remind you that the World Cup starts in two weeks?

Just email your photos to and I'll throw up a gallery with the cream of the proverbial. The winner will be decided on Friday 11th of June .

Participants can enter as many times as they like - as long as the fellah in question is dressed as a different character.

Enjoy yisser weekend ;-)

*UPDATE* See a sample of entrants thus far HERE.

Read The Rules