What Mrs. Reynolds wants, she gets

Ryan Reynolds randomly rocked up in the audience of the US talk show 'The View' this week with his mom and it made for a very cute segment. 

During Monday's show, presenter Whoopi Goldberg randomly turned to the camera and said, "You never know what's going on here at 'The View'. Sometimes you look up and you go, this is really great! And then you look up and go, oh, snap, there's Ryan Reynolds!" as the camera cut to show Reynolds sitting next to his mom in the front row.

Explaining how this came to be, Ryan said: "My mom is here visiting her grandkids, and yesterday she said, 'It’s my dream to go to 'The View'. "First off, I try to do what she says because you don’t know what she’s capable of. Unspeakable violence. I didn't want to taste the back of her hand, so I said let’s go to 'The View'. I made a call, I said, 'I’m Blake [Lively]'s husband, I’d like to come to 'The View'. Does that get us a little further?' Here we are."

His mom told the presenters that she watches every episode of 'The View' and was even recording the one she was on.

Watch this loveliness unfold below: