We love these two

Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are actual friendship goals.

The actors have shared a back and forth with one another - sometimes as themselves, sometimes in the guise of their alter egos (particularly Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool) - that goes back years.

Back in 2016, things kicked off with this infamous interview that Reynolds had with Hugh Jackman for the latter's movie 'Eddie the Eagle'.


Then, of course, Reynolds threw in that famous gag at Jackman in the first 'Deadpool' movie...


... though Hugh Jackman managed to get his own mask-donning clapback for that one...


... which Reynolds responded to by making sure there was a joke referencing 'Logan' - Jackman's swansong as comic book superhero Wolverine - in 'Deadpool 2'.


Heck, Ryan Reynolds even crashed Hugh Jackman's hotel room while in character as the Merc with the Mouth.


They constantly teasing each other over social media.


The pair also send one another the best Happy Birthday messages.


On a couple of occasions, they've called off their "feud" - but only temporarily, it would seem.


We have to say a couple of our favourites from recent months have included the time Ryan Reynolds "crashed" the 'X-Men' reunion chat.


Then, forever showing support, even to one another's businesses, Reynolds recently loaned his voice to his "frenemy's" coffee commercial.


We can't wait to see what those crazy kids get up to next.