
Ryan Reynolds' ad campaigns are the best in the business.

If you think we're wrong,  just take a look at the Ryan Reynold's back catalogue and then come back to us to tell us how right we are. In the past, he's joined forces with his Australian frenamy Hugh Jackman to sell his Aviation Gin, but this time he's partnered up with a four-legged friend. Sort of.

In his latest upload to social media, the 'Deadpool' actor has created a collaboration between his beverage and the Westminster Dog Show. A strange pairing some would say, and yes, you'd probably be right. But it's Ryan Reynolds - just go with it.

Filmed getting himself ready for his purebred gin to be on display for all the judges to see (doggie brush in hand), Reynolds begins his strut. His gin, trailing beside him, looks undeniably magnificent.

His voice over of the advert says: "Guess which gin just made it into the Westminster Dog Show. That's right b**ches. Woof!"

Here's the advert in all of its 45 second glory.

Reynolds also made a cocktail for the occasion, and should you want to russle up your own concoction of 'The Sensation', all you need to do is mix two oz Aviation Gin with 3/4 oz lemon juice, 3/4 oz syrup, five muddled blackberries, garnished with a lemon peel, and all shaken with ice and strained into a martini glass. Did somebody say weekend?