Twitter can be such a magical place

Rick and Morty has inspired quite a fan base for its madcap, gross-out, hilarious episodes which detail the adventures that its grandfather and grandson titular characters go out on.

People who’ve seen the show will recognise the influence of the iconic 'Back to the Future' on it, and its parodies of 'The Purge', 'Inception' and 'Nightmare on Elm Street' among pop culture stuff. A couple of years back, Twitter asked the daring question of but where does the name 'Rick and Morty' come from and what does it mean?

Your fellow tweeters were on hand to answer, and the network response was in such keeping with the tone and sense of humour of the show that it is nothing short of genius.

So here it is, what may be one of the greatest Twitter threads ever.







































































We love Twitter.