Support for Ke$ha in the wake of her case against Sony and Dr. Luke on Friday has really gained momentum, with yet more female celebrities coming forward to publicly support the star. While Adele took the opportunity to stand with Ke$ha during the first acceptance speech of the night, A-list actresses are now stepping up. 

Anne Hathaway posted the below image of the singer to her Instagram, captioned: "I stand with @iiswhoiis. If you are unfamiliar with the case, @LenaDunham does a brilliant job in this week's @LennyLetter explaining the nightmare in which Kesha finds herself. Kesha's situation is just one of all-too-many examples of how the legal system in this country fails to protect victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence, the vast majority of whom are women. Please regram and add your voice and your support! (Follow the link in my bio.) #FreeKesha."

Reese Witherspoon was also motivated by Lena Dunham's impassioned open letter, and posted the following to her twitter...

Others joined them...

Last night, Ke$ha - as promised - took to another platform which could support the length of her statement. She chose Facebook to post the following.