Somewhere there's a Grey's Anatomy writer frantically trying to call this woman and get their story in on time.

The call of duty is too strong for some, and Sarah Ray, a paramedic from Tennessee, is definitely one of those people.

Ray and her husband, also a paramedic, married on October 3rd, but while en route to their reception received a call that her father and grandparents had been involved in a car crash. So being the heroes that they are, they sprung into action and attended to the scene which resulted in this photo being taken.

Thankfully no one was seriously injured in the crash, with Ray telling the local news: "Anybody in the EMS field would’ve done the same thing. I don’t know if what I did was special but I was in a wedding dress."

"I know the face that I'm giving my mom was the 'Really, mom? Right now you're taking a picture?' " she said. "I'm sure we were a sight on the side of the road for people driving by."

Via Facebook