Our world may look a bit smaller now, but that doesn't mean it's not great.

#MySmallWorld is a collection of your favourite snaps from the lockdown.

The current restrictions in our lives have made our world a lot smaller, but it’s also given us all a chance to appreciate what is around us. The people that are getting us through this time, be it family or friends, and the nearby places that are bringing us joy. It may be a small world but it is your small world and it is to be treasured.

entertainment.ie have launched a photo competition called #MySmallWorld that celebrates what we have around us at this time. We've kept the theme open as we're all living in different situations: some of us alone, some of us with family, some in scenic spots, others not. So whether it's something that caught your eye on your daily walk or a place in your home that means something special, take a photo and send it to us!

You can check out our favourite photos from week one here. If you want to get involved scroll down and submit your photo, and don't forget to include a caption that explains where and why you took it. Don't be put off if you don't have a fancy camera, try your best with what you have and we'd love to see it.

We'll be giving out a prize every week for the best photo.

Slane, Co Meath
Clontarf, Co Dublin