And so it begins... Robert Pattinson turned up to her movie premiere, so now they're trying to suggest there's a "close friendship" between the pair (that being Robert and Katy, not just Katy's breatsticles)

After attending the screening of Katy Perry: Part of Me 3D in Hollywood, Perry, Pattinson, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez met up at the Chateau Marmont on Tuesday night.

The group then travelled in Justin's $200,000 Mercedes Benz minivan ('cause we need to know those details) to celebrate the opening of David Arquette's new nightclub, Bootsy Bellows (interesting fact alert, that was his mother's burlesque moniker).

A source told 'Rob and Katy are good friends so he was happy to celebrate with her, it wasn't just the four of them, but everyone was close.'

Apparently Pattinson has been keeping in touch with Katy after her divorce from Russell Brand last December for some reason. 

The insider said: "He's just checking in on her. It's not romantic at all. They're friends." I'm sure he shielded his eyes every time her cleavage appeared in 3D. 

In case you were wondering, Kristen Stewart was unable to join him as she was attending a Balenciaga event in Paris, and has been busy promoting Snow White and the Huntsman. Which has been out for ages now so the promotional junket is long over, but sure we won't dwell on that.