After being interviewed on Megyn Kelly Today last week, Pamela Anderson’s comments about the Harvey Weinstein accusers were met with great controversy.

Anderson said that the accusers should've used "common sense" and not been alone with him. “It was common knowledge that certain producers or certain people in Hollywood or people to avoid, privately,” she told Megyn Kelly. “You know what you’re getting into if you’re going into a hotel room alone.”

When Kelly suggested that many of these women were lured into meetings by their agents, Anderson said the women should have insisted another person be in the room. “That’s what they should have done. Send somebody with them. I think there’s easy ways to remedy that. That’s not a good excuse,” she said.

After meeting with a great deal of criticism following the interview, Anderson released a statement on Instagram that said “Somebody had to say this” and reiterated “we have the power to be safe and free by using common sense.”

She continues: “Backlash is good. - I like this. My position is not 'problematic' because I doesn't fall in line with the common herd or trend. I'm trying to tell women as a survivor of childhood abuse myself - It is important to be proactive as an adult who knows better - in defending themselves. Don't get in cars with strangers #rideresponsibly- Don't go to Hotel rooms alone for an audition. Women are powerful and smart and we can use all our charms in more positive ways. I think it’s very smart to be proactive. And I stand by what I say.”

Anderson also talked about how being married helps her feel “safe and protected in a sexual relationship” and sex is too easily “used […] as a weapon.”

You can read the full statement below: