We want to hear from you about what are you missing the most in Dublin

Let us know what Dublin spots you are pining for in the lockdown.

The streets of our Irish towns and cities lay empty and our favourite spots have shut their doors, it's a sight few of us have ever experienced. And while we've all been adjusting to the new normal over the past few weeks, it doesn't mean we're not missing our regular activities. Things you barely noticed as being special before all of a sudden feel like a huge gap.

When the lockdown starts to be lifted, obviously visiting friends and family will be top of our lists. But thinking about Dublin in particular, what can you not wait to do once things return to normal? It could be a pint in your favourite pub, a walk in a specific spot, a bookshop you love, even a night out. Tell us what/where you're missing and why you love it so much. Include as much detail as possible, and we'll be in touch if we see some answers we love.

(Scroll down on this survey to see the question.)

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