No you're not hallucinating or in some weird alternate dimension, Louis Tomlinson has indeed just signed on to play for his home football team of Doncaster Rovers. But before any of you One Direction nutjobs go throwing yourselves out a window don't worry, for Tomlinson has only signed on a non-contract basis and will be staying with the rest of the boys in the band.

Louis played for the club in charity match last year, and according to Doncaster Rovers he'll train with the team and hopefully play on the pitch in an actual game this season to raise money for charity Bluebell Wood. And in case you're about to run out and buy yourself a 'Tomlinson' Rovers jersey, he'll be playing as number 28.

'This has always been a childhood dream for me. I feel very honoured to have been asked to sign for Rovers and being able to help both the club and the amazing charity Bluebell Wood is what it’s all about.' Louis told Sky Sports News (who probably never thought they'd be talking about One Direction in their daily bulletins). 'It’s unbelievable really, I have been a massive football fan for a long time and obviously growing up in Doncaster I have been to plenty of games'

We'd say chances are slim of actually seeing Louis on a pitch this year, what with their massive world tour still underway and another lined up for next year, but sure doesn't he have the awful tattoo collection already. He'll fit right in on a football pitch.