A lot of people were watching Barack Obama's victory speech last night/this morning, but luckily for memekind it wasn't the newly termed President who stole the spotlight. It was 'Hair Flag Lady'.

Yes, a lady with a small US flag rammed into her hair won the hearts and minds of the internet last night. And if we know anything, it that's the people love their miniature American flags. The as yet unnamed woman sitting behind Obama's left shoulder more than likely knew she was on camera, but was probably just trying to display her joyous patriotism at Obama HQ. But she was spotted pretty rapidly by the world and Twitter exploded in celebration of her. In fact it's still going, with #Hairflag still trending and producing some of the best memes and comedy in a long time. Our favourite? #Hairflag2016. Looks like Hilary may have some competition. Obama's full speech and all the flag waving below from Politico.

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