Any folks out there who've been using Tinder and have come across former Irish President Mary Robinson might have been a bit confused, but rest assured, it's not all as it seems.

As a trailblazer, one of the first female presidents and a UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, there are plenty of things that Mary Robinson has done that would make for a pretty busy life, so if she were looking to meet people, perhaps she would turn to the popular dating app Tinder. We can only speculate of course, but after several users found themselves matched with a profile bearing the picture of Mary in the last few days, there has been a bit of a suspicion that she might be having a look to see what the whole thing is all about. 

All is not as it seems though, as apparently multiple female users are using a picture of Mary Robinson as their profile photo on the app, with a short bio that says that they are on the app to find out about "the young men of today".


Pic via Imgur 

There's much talk about what the reason behind it is, with some Reddit users speculating that it might be either a Facebook group that are behind the movement, or some smart viral marketing from the app themselves, while there is also the possibility that it's an experiment to see if the app can be used to interact with people without first having to show them a picture of what you really look like. 

The Irish Daily Star reported earlier today that Robinson has confirmed that she's not on the app, so there may be some disappointed folks who were hoping or a chance to chat to one of the world's leading female figures over a cup of coffee. However, the real story has been revealed by the folks at The Daily Edge, who discovered that the folks from Girl Crew Ireland, a private Facebook community, are behind it.

They started it as "a bit of fun" on a bank holiday, but it went viral after being posted on Reddit. They did add that they wanted "to apologise for Mary or her staff having to respond to the issue. That was never the intention, we just wanted to put her out the as one of our role models" and added that all the girls are big fans of her work. 

Via The Daily Edge