Meet the club and radio DJ, who balances a busy schedule with healthy, positive choices #NOWYOUCAN
There are few feelings better than being gifted an opportunity to do something amazing with your life. Whether it’s to meet your idol, travel the world, or follow your dreams of becoming a club and radio DJ with an emphasis on healthy eating and staying in shape.
Luckily for us, we found the perfect person to encapsulate this feeling. Marty Guilfoyle is a radio DJ with Spin 103.8, a touring DJ across Ireland, and someone who takes his health and fitness seriously. We’re not kidding, this guy is jacked, and if it weren’t for his disarming smile and incredibly friendly manner, you would be surprised to find out that he is a short conversation away from being your next best friend.
‘…there is no better buzz than performing live in front of a crowd.’
When in work, Marty has got to be sharp, focused and because he’s working with music and live radio, he’s got to be able to have fun while he’s doing it. His radio shows may run late at night, but despite this, Marty’s night-owl profession doesn’t inhibit his productiveness during daylight hours. During the day he makes sure to eat a nutritious, and vegetarian diet, while regularly working out at the gym.
We sat down with Marty, to discuss everything from his fitness routine to his DJing career, and we discovered how Heineken® 0.0% fits perfectly into his lifestyle. Marty believes that you should be able to enjoy yourself, no matter how demanding your lifestyle is. When Marty chooses not to drink on a night out, he always opts for Heineken® 0.0% because it is alcohol-free, but still delivers on taste. There’s no denying that Marty truly embraces the opportunities that life throws at him. His busy work schedule, and less-than-ordinary working hours require him to make positive choices when it comes to eating out or socialising with friends.
Marty, thank you for taking the time to sit down and chat to us! You have a massive following on social media. Why do you think so many people follow you?
It’s hard to say, but I suppose I like to think people follow me because they’re interested in my lifestyle. Between working late nights at Spin and doing DJ sets around the country, I’m always swamped, but still make fitness and a healthy diet a priority. I share a lot of my workouts online, but also share plenty of fun behind-the-scenes action from my radio show and live sets.
Also, I think a lot of my followers are interested in how I manage to stay in shape while eating a vegetarian diet. People have this notion that to go to the gym and to get in decent shape you have to shove chicken and pork into you. That’s just not the case.
It’s evident that healthy eating is a huge part of your lifestyle. Why do you choose to eat the way you do?
I choose to eat the way I do because I need as much energy as possible to get from my bed to the gym, to work, to a gig after work. I find that when I eat the way I do, it gives me all that energy to get through my working day.
I think we can all agree that you’re in great shape! What’s your main reason for going to the gym?
I love going to the gym, it’s such a huge part of my life, and I couldn’t imagine not going! I choose to go because I find that even if I am exhausted or in a bad mood before I go, I always feel ten times better afterwards. It gets me ready for the rest of my day.
‘The best advice I’ve ever received about keeping fit and healthy is to listen to your body.’
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received about working out?
The best advice I’ve ever received about keeping fit and healthy is to listen to your body. If you’re aching, or in any way sore — don’t go to the gym. I understand that it is addictive. I’ve often been in that difficult position where I fear if I don’t go that day, I won’t receive the results. But you’re just risking yourself for more injury. Your body needs to heal.
With all your coming and going, it must be hard to keep up a social life still! How do you manage this?
Yeah, it’s definitely challenging to keep a social life at times. But I’m a very sociable person, and my friends and family mean a lot to me. Just because I’m focused on my fitness goals and work late hours doesn’t mean I want to miss out on nights out and having the craic with them. So, I do still go out and socialise, but I mightn’t always choose to drink alcohol. I sometimes choose not to drink on nights out because I like knowing I can jump in the car and go home at any time. Also, I may need to be on the road to a gig early the next morning. Not drinking allows me to enjoy my night out without compromising on my work, lifestyle, or goals. I recently discovered Heineken® 0.0% and it has since become my go-to non-alcoholic beer.
What do your friends and family have to say about your busy routine?
My friends do like to make fun of me going to the gym 5–6 times a week. We often go out for food, and I’d find myself taking way too long as I scan the menu for healthy options and my friends would say “Marty, just eat the pizza man, c’mon!” I know they’re only having a laugh and they understand why I can’t indulge with them at times.
‘I find non-alcoholic beers are a great option for nights out, as they still allow me to enjoy my night out but not compromise on my lifestyle or goals.’
Some would say you are living the dream with a career as a radio presenter and DJ. What made you get into such an exciting career?
I know, it’s crazy I get to do this for a living, I find myself pinching myself at times! Well, I wanted to get into radio because I remember listening to a DJ in 2008. He just made me feel great with the music he chose and the banter he had and right then I knew I wanted to give someone else that feeling one day. As for my DJ sets, there is no better buzz than performing live in front of a crowd. I feed off their energy! It’s like a night out, but I get to choose the music, what more could you want as a job?
How would you describe your live shows?
The best way I could describe them is…energetic! The people who come to my shows know they’re going to hear songs that they already know but in a different way. I love seeing people losing themselves in the music I’m playing. And of course, the night wouldn’t be complete without a bit of a sing-a-long thrown in! I do have a running theme of throwing in a few sneaky, cheesy classics towards the end of the night!
You’re such a positive guy, who seems to live life to the full! What advice would you have for someone who is looking to make a positive change to their life going into the New Year?
I think that a lot of people are worried that they have left it too late to make a change, whether it is changing jobs, pursuing a fitness goal or learning a new skill. But my advice would be that it’s never too late to start. I was 26 when I started my fitness journey, and it’s totally transformed my life. If you start by making small positive choices daily, you will soon start reaping the rewards.
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