You’ll need tissues for this one – for your tears of laughter, that is.

A lady called Carina, from Athy, is currently trending for her recently absolute gas call with Dermot & Dave on Today FM.

To start off, the woman was struck by such giddiness that she could barely even speak, prompting great laughter from the presenters themselves.

Once she actually started relating her story, things just got funnier.

“Years and years ago I was going out on a date with a guy. I was only about 14 or 15 and the hot smell of the time was the Body Shop duberry or white musk. I decided to put on dewberry and you know when you're wearing something for a while and you can't really smell yourself anymore and you're like, 'Is this still on me? Do I need more?' and I put on loads more and more and before I left I topped up!” she said. “I met my boyfriend and gave him a hug and he vomited.”

The best part is it doesn’t even stop there. Listen below:

We think Carina, aka ‘Ann’, needs her own show ASAP.