It's five years away and already the race for the US Presidency is going to be absolutely bizarre / brilliant.

With Kanye West throwing his hat in the ring, and by all accounts, being very serious about his campaign, another celebrity is doing the same. Namely, Lindsay Lohan.

Yes, the Mean Girls star and former girlfriend of Callum Best believes she can run one of the world's superpowers - despite having no experience in politics whatsoever.

Lohan made her announcement on Instagram - where else - and will run her campaign on, we're guessing here, Gandhi quotes.



Let's not forget that Americans voted in Ronald Reagan AND Arnold Schwarzenegger, two former actors, one of whom was later vilified in song by The Ramones and Bruce Springsteen. No, really. The Boss HATED Ronald Reagan and specifically wrote Born In The USA as a rebuttal to Reagan's economic policies that were decimating America.

We're off-topic. Lindsay Lohan as President. Can you see it? Let us know in the comments!


Via Instagram