These kids prove there is nothing to be worried about when it comes to the future of society. Precocious? Yes, but you don't get to be the Kid President by standing back and being modest. Here is a quick ode to kids going places:

1)  Obama had an unbeatable cool level until this little guy came along. Space Jam and Robert Frost were probably never spoken about so close together until now. 

2) Her parents may have trained her like a little monkey but she if that's the case, this lil one is top of the monkey class. She nails that Michael Jackson impression.

 3) Brant Bickford, could you be more adorable? We think not. This child genius has that 'forty year old'  trapped in a child's body effect. He may personify dweeb but all mini adult type kids do and at least he owns it.

4) This kid doesn't take shit from anybody, including monsters, so watch out mofos!

5) Sweet Christ on a bike ,did that seven week old baby just say 'I love you'? Whether it's witchcraft or another case of the Jackson family (cue prodding instrument) style of parenting, it'll startle the bejaysus out of you.