That's one way to catch your mum's attention

New Zealand cabinet minister Carmel Sepuloni is the latest adult to fall victim to their children's antics behind them on a Zoom call.

Ah, working from home. It may now be normal to jump on a video call with your colleagues, but it certainly doesn't mean that we're sick of them - especially when they create golden moments like this one. The latest Zoom call to catch our attention is this one featuring a young boy and his new carrot.

Carmel Sepuloni was in the middle of an important live interview with Radio Samoa in New Zealand when the unfortunately-timed incident (for her) occurred. The minister for social development's live video was marred by her child entering the room to show off the rather large and oddly-shaped carrot that he found amongst the shopping. He must have been peeling very happy with his discovery.

Sepuloni posted the moment the carrot brandishing happened onto her Twitter account.

She wrote: "That moment when you’re doing a LIVE interview via Zoom & your son walks into the room shouting & holding a deformed carrot shaped like a male body part. Yes, we were almost wrestling over a carrot on camera, and yes, I’m laughing about it now but wasn’t at the time!"

Without question, this Zoom call carrot discovery video is firmly added to the "children hilariously wrecking video calls" category.

Of course, we all remember one of the very first videos to feature little ones wrecking their parent's time on-screen when this BBC News interviewee was gatecrashed by his two young children. Since 2017, the video has been viewed nearly 45 million times on YouTube.