"I don't know what I'm doing"

Well-known Irish men share negative thoughts they've had, in the hopes that it will tear down the stigma attached to men speaking more openly.

In aid of Movember 2020, we here at entertainment.ie are supporting the initiative as much as possible. Globally, one man dies from suicide every minute, which is over half a million fathers, partners, brothers and friends each year. In order to help combat this, influential Irish men such as James Kavanagh have filmed a thought-provoking short film to raise awareness of the self-saboteur we all have inside our heads at times.

Entitled "Invisible Nonsense", the intimate short film was filmed here in our Packed.Studio (the creative arm of Packed.House), with each contributor bravely sharing their self-destructive thoughts.

As you can see in the short film below, Comedian Tony Cantwell, radio personality Crossy, content creator Timi Ogunyemi, Westmeath footballer Boidu Sayeh, Irish Seven’s rugby player Harry McNulty, and presenter James Kavanagh all bare their inner fears straight to camera.

Be sure to take a look at the short film - and don't be afraid to share it with friends and family members. It's time to get the country talking again.

For more information on how you can join Movember this year, or to make a donation, be sure to head over to their website.