This pic has been doing the rounds for the last couple of days. Have to be honest, I thought it seemed totally plausible as a drink driving awareness ad from the 1970s...
Then again, the perception may be somewhat skewed given Dad was fond of a jar and once gave us a tutorial on how to drive home bladdered circa 1985 - it went along the lines of "Jus' keep one eye closed" *hics* (this is not an actual tutorial, there is no way advisable way to drive over the limit. Just don't do it, mmmmkay)
Rose tinted memories aside, this is NOT a real ad. We'll hand you over to Mr. David Mitchell, who created it a number of years ago.
.@Fascinatingpics I'm afraid that's not real. It's a joke from a comedy book @arobertwebb and I wrote in 2009.
— David Mitchell (@RealDMitchell) December 13, 2014
It says a lot about the British/Irish mentality that most believed it to be true...