The rumour mill has started up over Anne Hathaway's womb again, after an apparent slip-up by her brother saying that a baby is on the way for her and husband Adam Shulman.
Anne's brother Tom Hathaway was performing a stand-up routine in New York last week and according to Star magazine he let slip that Anne was expecting. According to an audience member: 'Tom opened his act by talking about Anne’s personal life. He said 'My sister got married last year, and now she is about to be a new mom!’ I don’t think he realized what he had done.''
And according to a 'family friend': 'Anne is over the moon and Adam is extremely giddy. She’s been wanting to get pregnant for a while but knew that she needed to wait for the right time. They are more than ready for this next chapter in their lives.'
The last public appearance Anne seems to have made was on October 20th, and now we're not saying there's anything more than a possible food baby on show here (and it could very easily just be the angle of the photo) but it does look like there's a little something on show here?
It also doesn't help that she's been caught wearing the most jumbo of jumbo pants recently, which only compounds the circumstantial evidence for those claiming she's pregnant.
And if she is, at least she can blame this khaki tragedy on baby brain.