
Since her conservatorship ended after 13 years, Britney Spears has been extremely vocal and active on her social media accounts; some of the content she posts has included nude pictures uploaded to Instagram.

And apparently, Vogue Williams is simply not having it. The host of the 'My Therapist Ghosted Me' podcast is known for being vocal about her opinions — especially via the podcast she works on with comedian Joanne McNally.

While plenty of people support Spears' liberation through sharing her body and find the posts to be empowering, Williams has shared that for her it's all a bit too much.

Speaking on her podcast she shared her disdain for the naked pictures saying, "I’m not being mean, okay? I just don't want people’s naked bodies in my face".

She continued by explaining that while she has love for the pop icon, she feels for her children too, stating, "I do feel sorry for her kids as well because her kids were pissed off about the naked sh*t. And then when people say they’re pissed off about the naked sh*t she keeps, like, pushing more on it".

Eventually, Spears' content began to annoy her so much that she actually went as far as to unfollow her, "Sometimes I’m just like 'ugh, not again.’ So I did it. I unfollowed Britney. I had to do it. It was time".

However, co-host Joanne McNally gave some perspective on the situation and encouraged Williams that Spears is simply expressing herself after having been restricted for so long. "Lads, we all need to tread very carefully around poor Britney" she said.

She continued, "I think the vibe with her is that she’s been silenced. She feels like she’s had her voice taken away from her. Now she’s just screaming from the rooftops. She wants to express herself and part of that is nakedness".

Listen to the full episode of 'My Therapist Ghosted Me' here.