Never one to be content with following the norm, Justin Bieber it seems prefers his dick against a guitar as opposed to in a box. Hopefully someone took away his SNL watching privileges after this.

TMZ got their hands on photos of Bieber completely starkers except for a guitar apparently jamming away in his granny's home last year during Canadian Thanksgiving (which we didn't know was a thing separate to American Thanksgiving but it happens in October instead). According to them, Bieber had been staying with his family at his grandmother's home for the holiday and slept in, which resulted in this happening.


After Biebs awoke, he heard all his family bustling about and decided that the funniest thing he could do was pick up his guitar and nothing else and go round playing songs to everyone, including his innocent host granny belting out 'I loooove you grandmaaa' and such.

According to TMZ everyone thought it was hysterical. We'd just prefer if he was gone really.