It doesn't make them FOR you, though.

Google Knowledge Graph, which is that big block of text that sometimes pops up when you enter a certain phrase into the search engine, has been updated with cocktail recipes.

You simply enter 'How To Make A (cocktail name)' and Google will spritz out the answer in full, clear text.

We've noted, however, that it doesn't have Banana Daquiri added yet, but it does have Cosmopolitan, Manhattan, Mojito, Appletini AND Old Fashioned. So that's something.

Google Knowledge Graph already has popular recipes added, as well as Oscar winners, celebrity vital stats and much more, effectively bypassing the likes of Wikipedia in favour of a direct response to the question.

It's pretty revolutionary stuff, and shows how far Google has come with predictive text and information algorithms.

Now, cocktail? High-ball? Let me Google it first.
