Vaunted American burger joint Five Guys Burgers And Fries announced early this year that it was beginning an expansion into Ireland.

Now, today, the location of its Dublin restaurant has been confirmed as St. Stephen's Green. Where precisely on the Green it will be, we're not exactly sure. Our guess is it'll be somewhere up past Topshop, possibly even up as far as Baggot Street.

There's more good news who like artery-destroying, meaty goodness. It's also been confirmed that Five Guys is looking to open restaurants in Cork, Galway AND Limerick.

Already, there's a Five Guys due to open next month in Belfast so it's clear we're going to be see more of their disgustingly good burgers around Ireland.

Get a load of these mouth-watering Instagram shots, like. It's not FAIR. WE WANT IT NOW.