"DAMN YOU, SLEEVES, GET. OFF. A. ME... NARGH, AND NOW YER HANGING OFF MY HEWP!!" is probably what didn't screech through Fergie's brain while attempting to disrobe in time to warble out the last few bars of her song during last night's AMA performance.  Still, it was nice her hubby got to introduce her. And, as stage performances featuring Fergie go, this wasn't the most embarrassing one by a long shot...

Again, apologies for the poor quality of the video, it seems to be across the board. Despite that, try to enjoy Fergie's performance of L.A. Love ("Illuminate" references open to interpretation... according to MTV, she's made a "some kind of age-defying, Benjamin Button-style deal with the secret society hell-bent on world domination") before she struggles out of her cardie at the end of the video.