Facebook, only now yelling at you

In case you guys missed it, Facebook has entered a whole new era.

The social media platform has rebranded with a new logo in cap form and a different typography. So it's FACEBOOK now.

The logo's shifting color scheme is meant to highlight Instagram’s purple gradient and WhatsApp’s green tint, which is linked to the fact that the rebranding was  inspired, reportedly, by CEO Mark Zuckerberg's dissatifaction with the credit his company was getting for owning Instagram and WhatsApp.

Says Chief Marketing Officer Antonio Lucio: "This brand change is a way to better communicate our ownership structure to the people and businesses who use our services to connect, share, build community and grow their audiences."

So Facebook - excuse us, FACEBOOK - owns Instagram, Whatsapp and Messenger. You guys got that?

Well, clearly we're not the only ones who think the change is a bit dumb and pointless.

Plenty of users have gone on Twitter to poke fun at the rebranding.