Artist and tech head Benjamin Grosser has come up with a handy little experiment for all us Facebook addicts out there (i.e. everyone). The Facebook Demetricator is a very easily installable little do-hicky  that takes the numbers away from your notifications, comments, likes, friend counts and pretty much anywhere on the site numbers can feature. The thought behind it is kind of appealing, without all those annoying pop-ups and numbers constantly distracting you but is it worth it? According to Grosser "No longer is the focus on how many friends you have or on how much they like your status, but on who they are and what they said."

Are we all obsessed with the numbers attached to Facebook and not the content? Doubtful, unless you have some sort of desperate need for online interaction or are some numerophiliac with a penchant for the little red numbers. Either way, try it out for yourself here.

Facebook Demetricator from benjamin grosser on Vimeo.