The age old question of how much boob is too much for a movie poster has finally been answered.

The much anticipated sequel to Sin City: A Dame to Kill For has been gathering steam ahead of its release later this summer, and there have already been some promotional materials released for it, like the character-based movie posters

Eva Green, despite featuring quite a bit in the trailer, was not present in that first run of images, and it turns out that her poster was deemed to be a bit too risqué by the Motion Picture Association of America, and they stopped its release. Of course, what with the internet being around these days, it has been leaked, and it is a bit saucy to be fair to them.

Their objection, according to was that the "curve of under breast and dark nipple/areola circle [are] visible through sheer gown". Well, that's one way to describe it. 

Main pic via NukeTheFridge