No, tell us how you really feel Harry.

According to The Mirror, who either were lucky enough to get an early look at the forthcoming One Direction documentary 'This Is Us' (which, can we all agree, is a terrible title) or got a soundbite from, Harry really didn't enjoy his time with T. Swizzle a t'all a t'all. If you listen really hard right now you can hear Taylor furiously scratching out lyrics about how Styles is a dick.

Anyway, apparently in the doc Harry has all sorts of 'moments', one in particular about his lady friends has him saying 'I haven't met a girl yet who I'd want to even think of getting serious with. I think I've been unlucky in love so far. But then, I haven't really met anyone who's made the earth move for me... I'm longing to meet someone who really inspires me and makes me really want to spend time with them.' Eh, stinger on the rake of girls you've left behind you Harry? And then to add a sting in the tail to Swifty, Harry's had the 'This Is Us' makers remove all the footage relating to their relationship from the flick. Raging. What's the point in going to see it now? The boys just faffing around the world being rich and stupid?

Yeah, we're totally still going to go see that.