Hey, people from Kerry. Please take Danny Healy-Rae away from the cameras and microphones because it's gone beyond a joke now.
It's... wow, right. Let's get into this. In a recent interview with Hot Press Magazine, Danny Healy-Rae pretty much threw petrol over the notion that Kerry's elected representatives aren't backward hicks who disavow years upon years of research and science.
When asked to clarify his thoughts on earlier statements made in the Dail concerning climate change, Danny Healy-Rae pretty much doubled down on them. "The facts are there and history proves it," he said. "We had the Ice Age. We had Noah’s Ark. We had all those stories... There were some centuries when the country was very hot and warm and then there were different centuries with so much rain and cold. So, those are facts."
Noah's Ark. Facts. Right. Gotcha.
This falls in line with Healy-Rae's early comments that "God above is in charge of the weather," not carbon dioxide, precipitation, wind patterns, years and years of meteorological proof and so on. No, it's God.
Good job, Kerry. Well done.