Hey, we're not here to judge.

No doubt everyone's a bit stressed out with the current situation, not to mention the fact that it's increasingly difficult to focus on anything other than the news.

For a lot of people, however, meditation and breathing exercises are a good way of maintaining a grip on yourself and keeping your mind alert and calm. There are plenty of ways to do it, either with a guided meditation, simple repetition and breathing, or if you need it, Chris Hemsworth.

Yes, Chris Hemsworth is now offering guided meditations especially for kids to help them relax and stay sane during all of what's going on at the moment.

"If you find yourself in a situation like myself, like a lot of people where you’re having to home-school your kids and failing miserably – because it’s not an easy task, it’s a very difficult job teaching, and I have boundless respect for teachers, globally, universally – if you’re having this trouble, a friend of mine suggested doing this guided meditation with them," Hemsworth announced on his website, Centr.com.

"I thought, “That’s not going to work, my kids are allergic to sitting still” but, to my surprise, it actually did, and it calmed them down."

As well as Hemsworth doing these guided meditations, Taika Waititi - the director of 'Thor: Ragnarok' and 'Jojo Rabbit' - is also going to help out with his own guided meditation for kids. Or, y'know, adults.

Maybe some of us just want to hear a calming voice that just so happens to belong to Chris Hemsworth or Taika Waititi. What, are you going to judge us? This is no time for judgment.

Just watch the video.