He does look great in Aran jumpers, in fairness.

Social media is a fickle and often cruel mistress, wherein we find ourselves simultaneously aghast at what it's responsible for, and how sometimes people manage to correct what others have done.

Case in point is Chris Evans and what can only be described as an accidental leak of some nudes. Essentially, Chris Evans posted a screenshot of his camera roll on Instagram that included a picture of an intimate nature. Seeing as how we're not complete scumbags so we're not going to post that picture.

However, Chris Evans' fervent fanbase decided that since Captain America suffers from anxiety, and obviously didn't mean to post said picture, they flooded the Twitter topic with positive images of him, his dog, or just other funny images instead.

It even got that prevalent that the Irish Embassy in the US got in on the action, too.

Take a look.