Awh isn't that romantic; just as almost everybody else in 'slebville gets married and divorced again within the blink of an eye, here's Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas (re)tying the knot... AGAIN. Eager to put their shared troubles of the past few years behind them - Catherine had entered rehab in 2011 to combat her bipolar II disorder just after Michael (68) had endured a harrowing bout of throat cancer - the pair will renew their vows in Bermuda.

A source told the Daily Star newspaper: 'They want to put a few difficult years behind them. It will be a private affair in Bermuda.'

What's more, it's believed that Catherine - who has children Dylan, 12 and Carys, nine with Michael - may use this opportunity to get her family together as she recently claimed she's been missing the Welsh folk since spending so much time in the US.

She said: ''It's really hard for me because I've been out of Wales longer than I ever lived there. My family is so close that I really miss just being able to say to my mam or my friends, 'Just come on over for a cup of tea and we'll talk through stuff... And I miss my friends from the dancing school that I'm still in touch with. I miss the immediacy... Because sometimes, you know it can be when you want to speak to your mother or your friends and because of the time difference you just go 'Oh s**t they're sleeping.' '

Always pleasant to get a bit of good news, eh?