A lot of people were disappointed by how tame Storm Lorenzo turned out to be

As you may have noticed, there was a bit of a storm sweeping across the country yesterday.

Storm Lorenzo - which had been downgraded from an Ex-Hurricane to a Tropical Storm by the time it arrived in Ireland - caused a fair bit of damage, particularly in the west of the country. In Dublin, however, a lot of people were surprised (some would even say disappointed - and by 'some', we mean 'the people who were hoping to get the day off work') at how tame it turned out to be.

It also apparently decimated the country's bread supply, which means that most of the population will be dining on toast and sandwiches and making igloos out of sliced pans this weekend.

At least we have a sense of humour about these horrible weather events, as the tweets below demonstrate...

And not forgetting poor Teresa Mannion, who found herself in the thick of it once again...