As Barack Obama will officially be out of a job come January 20th, it's not surprising that he's making plans to keep himself busy over the coming months.

In an interview on RTE Radio 1, US Ambassador Kevin O'Malley spoke about his final phonecall with Barack Obama as President of the United States and confirmed that, yes, he'll be returning in the next twelve months. "The last sentence that the president said to me on Wednesday of this week when we were saying goodbye was 'please tell them I'm coming', so I think that's his way of saying informally that you'll be seeing him again."

Barack Obama's genealogy was traced back to Moneygall, Co. Offaly, where Obama's ancestors, the Kearneys, hail from. In fact, the Barack Obama Plaza in Moneygall even has his distant cousin Henry Healy working there as a manager.

Maybe Obama will head back for a Supermacs? It's tasty and tempting food, after all.

Via Radio One / RTE