Yes, yes it's very normal

Ah, childhood memories. If you don't have any traumatising memories of growing up in with your siblings, did you even have a childhood?

Sarah Breen, one half of the Irish authors who wrote 'The Importance of Being Aisling' must have had a much more civilised childhood than most of us.

Having grown up as a lonely child, Breen posed a very serious question to her followers on Twitter. She asked, "I have no siblings so I can not understand my kids’ dynamic. They are addicted to torturing each other? Is it normal?"


It goes without saying, the whole of Ireland and it's mother replied to Breen with some of the most harrowing of stories.

This sounds... memorable.




You might need to check the instructions for how to use shampoo.

It's no 'Princess and the Pea'...


This orange juice looks too orange.


Nothing like a good Sports' Day at home.


Fart glass.

Siblings don't ever hold grudges, right?


That kid could have made it as a dart's player.


We'd fight anyone for a Jersey Cream, to be fair.

With all of the responses, Sarah Breen was quite shocked to say the least. She tweeted "I don’t know how some of you are still alive, tbqh."


Neither do we, Sarah, neither do we.