Let's set the scene - it's a typical office on a typical morning, with nothing particular strange or out of the ordinary.

A co-worker has his lunch of shrimp fried rice stolen from the communal fridge and, after raising the issue with HR, is now viewing security footage. The unsub is most likely a fellow co-worker and, as determined by our narrator, the lunch of shrimp fried rice was in the fridge for less than an hour before it disappears. This gives us an exact timeframe to check footage and determine suspect.

The twist? The unsub sits right in front of our narrator and didn't even eat food. We cross now to the Twitter stream which caught the imagination of the internet. Play this if you need to get in the mood.

She took the fried rice from me with a big smile on her face. She’s eating it and loving it. This is utter ruthlessness

— Zak Toscani (@zaktoscani) March 30, 2018

And there you have it. So what have we learned? What's the lesson to be gained from all of this? For one, the likely motive here is that our unsub thought the lunch was hers, dumped it after thinking it was leftovers and thought nothing of it.

The other part of this, and it's a point the unsub made herself, is reporting something like this to HR. Surely, in the grand scheme of things, this is on the lower ends of it. We're not talking about sexual harassment, we're not talking about violence in the workplace, we're not talking about damaging someone's reputation - this was an honest mistake and the victim took our unsub down over it.

Was he in the right? Does anyone come out the better in these scenarios?

Who knows. (silence) Fade to black and...

Executive Producer



Via Twitter