Did you know there's a specific term for being terrified of clowns? Coulrophobia.

And if you are coulrophobic, it's best you don't read any further. Still with us? Here we go.

A town in California is being terrorised by evil clowns. Yes, really.

Apparently, it began when a local performance artist simply appeared in a small town in Southern California and set up a Twitter and Instagram account and started posting super-creepy images of hmself in public places.

Obviously, residents clocked him and started posting their own pictures as well.

It's become a bit of craze as now other towns have noticed clowns appearing in the middle of the night in brightly-lit places, simply standing around, alone.

Police have already made an arrest of one person, dressed in clown attire, and have said that they're cracking down on the emerging trend.

A news report says that it's all part of a photography project, however it seems to be taking a life of its own now that copycat clowns are appearing all over.

Are we freaked out? Yes.

The original clown, calling himself the Wasco Clown, has said it's not meant to harm or scare people, but how can you trust him? He's a clown.



via Instagram / Twitter