Miley Cyrus does not like Donald Trump - and with good reason. He doesn't exactly embody or epitomise a harmonious future. He also really likes guns. This has led Miley to post a number of sentiments to her Instagram over the past few hours. 

She posted the below, with the following declaration: "Yes . That is a tear rolling down my cheek dripping off the end of my nose..... This makes me so unbelievable scared and sad.... Not only for our country but for animals that I love more than anything in this world.... My heart is broken into a 100000 pieces ..... I think I may vomit .... That picture on the right is so disturbing.... YOU are not destiny! It is not your job to decide when a living things life is over .... & YOU DT ARE NOT GOD NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU THINK YOU ARE!!! (& if he doesn't think he is "God" he thinks he is the f*cking chosen one or some shit! We're all just f*cking jam between his rich ass toes! Honestly f*ck this shit I am moving if this is my president! I don't say things I don't mean! )" 

In case you were wondering why Bernie Sanders hasn't really been featuring in the presidential race despite predictions that the Democrat had a legion of younger followers, Miley pretty much summed things up in this meme...